Gombe National Park

 Gombe National Park

Welcome to learn about Gombe's wildlife, best time to visit, climate and more! Gombe National Park is located in western Kigoma Region, Tanzania, 16 km north of Kigoma, the capital of Kigoma Region. Established in 1968, Gombe is one of the smallest national parks in Tanzania, It covers an area of 56 square kilometers and is a fragile habitat for chimpanzee Gombe gained its popularity after the research of Dr Jane Goodall which is believed to be the longest running study of primates in the world.

The chimpanzees are the main attraction at Gombe Stream. These remarkable mammals, habituated to human visitors, were made famous by the pioneering work of Jane Goodall, who in 1960 founded a research program that now stands as the longest running study of its kind in the world.

How to get in Gombe National Park
By Boat: Board Public Boat (up to four hours from Kigoma Town) or Motor Boat (two hours from Kigoma Town). The motor boat can be booked directly at the park information center located in Kigoma town.
To get to Kigoma
By air: Scheduled flights from Dar es Salaam and Mwanza cities or from Arusha by chartered flights.
By Rail: from Dar es Salaam  or by ferry from Mpulungu in Zambia.
By Road: from Dar es Salaam (approximately 1,232.2 km), Arusha (approximately 1,054.2 km) or Mwanza (approximately 597.6 km).

Best time to visit
Chimpanzee can be trekked throughout the year. However, for plants/insects and better chimpanzee spotting, the best time is during wet season (November to mid May) and for the best photo taking (May to October).

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