Volcanoes National Park Rwanda

It’s another day my friends let’s talk about good things in Rwanda today, you have many reason when you visit Rwanda Country to visit also Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda as it’s the most famous destination in Rwanda, Volcanoes National Park lies in north-western Rwanda and borders Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda


How to reach at the Volcanoes National Park, Volcanoes National Park is located in a small village called Musanze before was known as Ruhengeri, which is very accessible by public transport from Gisenyi or Kigali or from the airport. The drive to Volcanoes national park is 2 HRS.
You will be required to arrive at the headquarters of ORTPN in Kinigi, at the park entrance, by 7:00 am, therefore, if you hope to trek gorillas for one day, you have to wake up very early for your journey so that you are on time. However, there isn’t any public transport from Musanze to the headquarters of the park at Kinigi. 

Activities in the park include: -

  • Gorilla trekking,
  • Hiking Karisimbi volcano (3,800 m),
  • One-day Mount Bisoke volcano hike,
  • Visiting Dian Fossey,
  • Visiting the twin lakes of Ruhondo and Bulera

Visit https://www.volcanoesnationalparkrwanda.com  for more information this include charges and other accommodation fee in case you will need  to spend number of days at the Park

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